Thursday, February 4, 2010


Hi all! Classes began this week! Sunday was our first nice sunny day and I went for a run in the afternoon. There were so many people out and about! Walking their dog, ice skating, or out with the whole family.. I've never seen anything like that before at home! I ran by where the Von Trapp house was filmed.. and on that lake there were people skating and fishing, it was really cute. Then Kristen and me had dinner with our family and after the kids went to bed we played a German card game and drank wine with them. The card game was a lot of fun I'm going to try to find it here and bring it home! Afterwards we sat around and talked about politics and such.. I'm really lucky we have a great host family.. Some of my friends have families who don't want to socialize with them or can't speak english very well so it's hard to hold a good conversation.

Monday classes started. I had Understanding Austria which is taught by a professor who came on the Germany field trip with us so we know her pretty welll. She is very enthusiastic and animated about the way she teaches and that class will probably be my hardest one but it's interesting to thats ok! the I had Beginning German where we didn't really do much, just introduced ourselves, etc.. in english haha! We have German again tomorrow so we will start learning some of the language! Then I had a night Economics and Politics class which is my favorite so far! My teacher worked as a political advisor to the EU so he knows his stuff. He really gets us engaged in class discussions and we have already talked about many things I've never thought about before. A lot of what he says, my host father Berhard has talked about at dinner and such so if I ever get stuck in that class I always have him to help me out! Wednesday I had History of US/EU relations early in the morning.. And I practically fell asleep. My professor is very very intelligent and knowledgable, however he doesn't teach us, he talks AT us and also talks about nothing really relevent to the course! I had his class agian today thinking it would get better on the second day, I was wrong. Complete Bore. Hopefully it will get better. Finally I had Modern Art History which should be interesting but is also a bit boring. Oh and my teach is 70 years old and can barely talk. But thats ok shes really cute and nice!

Besides classes I've been exploring the city a bit more.. Taking the bus to the train station and the local mall. I went on a little walk today by myself to get to know the city better since it was such a beautiful day out today! I went up this small mountain that my school is built on and took some pictures overlooking salzburg which I will put down below.. Ive also been a little sick this week with a cold so I have not done much at night. Tonight a couple of us will meet for a coffee and hang out.. and Saturday I am going skiing. Hopefully I'll catch some of the superbowl on Sun? I'll update again after the weekend! Love and miss you all!

View from the mountain this morning

Mountain outside my house this morning

A needle pulling thread.... from the Sound of Music

View from my classroom window

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