Sunday, March 7, 2010

Another week has gone by! Didn't do much this week, its midterm time so everyone is stressing out and all we have been doing pretty much is studying and writing papers. My friend Katherine and I took a study break to try out a cofffee shop in town, because there are so many and we haven't been to one yet! We went to this place called the Afro Cafe.. it reminded me of the 70's.. all the bright colors and patterns, but it also had a spanish feel to it with flowers and other cool designs. There were a lot of people in there on a Thursday afternoon, meeting friends or getting a bite to eat. We are going to start trying out more coffee shops around the city since its the culture here to meet your friends and chat and have a coffee. It's also nice to have Katherine who is very much like me personality wise and I click with her well and we always have great conversations and have fun together.

Friday Kristen and I had a quiet night in, just watching movies and catching up on some sleep. Saturday we woke up to a SNOW STORM! which was very disouraging because it felt like Spring was right around the corner a couple days ago.. And since I was planning on going to a Salzburg Red Bulls Futbol match that afternoon I was not too happy about all the snow. I ended up going to the game which I'm glad I did! There weren't many people there but the crowd was still crazy. I can't imagine how that place is when it's packed.. It was freezing and we only made it half way through the second half because we could not feel our fingers and toes anymore!! We then met up with the group at O'Malley's, since it's been weeks since we've been there! It was a fun night and we met some kids studying abroad in Salzburg from southern Cali so it was cool to meet more Americans!

And today, Sunday, we slept in and had a family dinner with Sabine's brother and his girlfriend, and the whole family.. It reminded me of our Sunday dinner's at home :) We had roasted chicken and potatoes and Sabine made a delicious dessert with home made whipped cream! And today I'll be studying all day, I have my first mid-term tomorrow.. I have my whole 2 week break planned out.. I leave in 12 days I'm so excited! Here's where I'm going.. Amsterdam 2 1/2 days days, Copenhagen 1 day, Sweden 4 days, Barcelona 3 days, Rome 3 days, Florence 3 days (Maybe Pisa), Venice 2 days (Easter weekend) Then back to Salzburg on April 6th!! Going to be an amazing, but very tiring 2 weeks!! Love and Miss you all.. Only 2 months until I'm back in the Good ol' USA!!

They serve beer at McDonalds! and it's cheap!!
Alex, me, Trevor at the Red Bulls futbol game

Me and Katherine

Definitely not as big as Gillette Stadium where the Revs play!!

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